Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How Does Helping Others Help Me?

There’s an often repeated verse from the Bible, It is more blessed to give than to receive. While this may be true, the opposite is also true, because you give someone else the opportunity to feel good. Feeling good is what recovery is all about, and of course there’s more to it! Helping others is an option to feel better about ourselves and it’s open to us all the time. We simply have to become more observant to what is around us and make healthy choices when and whom to help.

Discerning when not to help someone can be tricky. Sometimes it is better for a person to figure things out on their own, because when they do, it can instill self confidence in which they may be lacking. Other situations like helping an elderly person put groceries in his car can boast our mood from a two to a ten in just a few minutes. Helping others are acts of kindness.

A man on a snowy road has spun out. His car is stuck in the snowbank near our home. We can offer him a shovel, or we can put on outdoor clothes and help dig him out. Giving him the shovel is easy, going out when the temperature in near zero degrees is an act that garners good feelings.

Helping others to help ourselves may seem like a no-brainer, but how often do we feel offering our help in a given situation will inconvenience us. We’ll be late for work, picking the kids up from school, or getting to the meeting on time. Consider how much of our lives are spent rushing from one activity to another. Of course, it’s important to be considerate and arrive on time to events, and to pick up the kids on time. Helping others is a balancing act.

In sobriety we can learn to weigh the outcomes of our generosity of spirit. Some people may shirk our help, while others will be grateful. Some individuals can be angry when we are late, and others will be understanding. One thing is for certain, helping others is a choice that most often works in our favor if our purpose in helping is genuine.

Serenity Oaks Wellness Center is a 5-week extensive treatment program to help someone who is struggling from drugs or alcohol. Our 12-Step aspects and holistic therapy combined can show you how to adorn your soul in recovery.

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