Monday, October 22, 2018

How Can I Open My Heart in Recovery?

When coming into a rehab or our first fellowship meeting, we may feel shut down, angry or defeated. It’s normal because our world has been turned upside down and inside out. It takes time to let go and admit that alcohol or an opioid controlled our lives. We may be plagued with concern over how we are going to repair the damage we caused, not only to ourselves but to our family, friends and colleagues.

We can be disgruntled about people, places and things. We can blame the difficult situation we find ourselves in, on other people. Blaming others can get us off the hook from taking responsibility for our actions and behaviors.

Even though we can come into sobriety with negative and angry feelings, at some point we need to take a close look in the mirror. If we dont, we run the risk of a slip or relapse. When we look in the mirror we can ask if that person we see deserves to be loved. Does that person deserve to be forgiven? Do the people who tried to stand by her or him during their worst times in addiction, deserve our love?

For a lasting recovery to take place, we need to let down our guard. Our thinking process during our addiction probably got twisted around, made us feel that everyone and everything was against us. Somewhere underneath all of our armer is a vulnerable person who needs to be loved and understood. That person also needs to learn to love in return.

Since we are new to this great big world of sobriety, we need to ease into it. Opening our hearts, is a matter of trusting our capability to handle whatever comes along. We must take all the time we need to shore up our self-confidence. Small gestures of kindness, like smiling at a stranger in the grocery store, will help us open our hearts. When we open our hearts even just a little bit, joy comes back to whisper in our ear, we’re with you.’

Serenity Oaks Wellness Center is a 5-week extensive treatment program to help someone who is struggling from drugs or alcohol. Our 12-Step aspects and holistic therapy combined can show you how to adorn your soul in recovery.

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