Monday, October 1, 2018

Can Facing Addiction Lead to Joy?

There are many stages, awarenesses and changes that need to be addressed as you make your way each day in recovery. Every person must begin their journey because they want to, though some may feel forced through an intervention by friends and family.

You may wonder, how long before joy comes into the picture, your picture, your sober life? Does joy come in, or do you make it happen? Facing addiction can bring about euphoria, but euphoria is different than joy. There are a number of components, awarenesses and actions you can take to manifest joy in your life. They are: generosity, gratitude, compassion, perspective, humility, humor, acceptance, and forgiveness.

At some point in time you may realize that all of the above components for experiencing joy are foundational principles of recovery, beginning with acceptance. Don’t expect to delve into each one, right away. Take it slow. Learn about yourself and what prevents you from getting the desired results in your newfound sobriety. You may have a lot of anger inside, which you project onto people, places and things. Fear can limit your ability to function well, as may wounds from childhood, war, and other horrific traumas you’ve experienced.

Gaining perspective on an addiction may give you great relief. You’re not to blame. It isn’t your fault. You may begin to feel gratitude for being alive, for having a great therapist, and a dog you love. You may discover your gratitude knows no bounds. Gratitude goes hand-in-hand with positive thinking, too.

After you’ve been sober for awhile, you might listen to a newcomer in distress at a meeting. You can’t fix them, but saying something compassionate may help them feel a better. What about compassion for yourself, too? Compassion isn’t self pity. It’s balanced kindness and humanity towards yourself. Humility, humor and forgiveness are all part of the joy equation. You can practice one a week or a different one each day of the week. In recovery, what you extend to yourself and others can come back to you in the form of joy. Believe you deserve it! Believe in yourself!

Serenity Oaks Wellness Center is a 5-week extensive treatment program to help someone who is struggling from drugs or alcohol. Our 12-Step aspects and holistic therapy combined can show you how to adorn your soul in recovery.

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