Monday, September 24, 2018

These Tools Might Help You Battle an Eating Disorder

Battling an eating disorder is mostly about the emotional and physical challenges that people face who struggle with food: smells, sights, and sounds that trigger the body’s natural response to want to eat yet fight back against it in the mind. Eating disorders are one of the most difficult, dangerous, psychological disorders because they also present physical dangers of dying as a direct result of the disorder. Learning how to become an empowered eater takes time, with the help of some tools.


Writing in a journal can be quite cathartic, letting everything in the mind down onto the page. Expressing one’s feelings can be freeing, even fun. Engaging in journaling can boost a commitment to oneself to write every day and express those thoughts and feelings without self-destructing. When those feelings have a tangible place to land, they don’t stay stuck in the mind, looping endlessly and triggering old habits.

Self Kindness

Compassion for others may come easier than self compassion for many people, especially when it comes to eating disorders. The simple notion of being kind to oneself can be difficult to muster after spending so much time berating oneself. Once a person looks deeper at themselves, and develops some compassion, disorder eating starts to look differently in that context. Disordered eating develops as a way to help a person cope with uncomfortable feelings and emotions.

Motivated to Move

At the start of a person’s recovery from an eating disorder, it can be easy to feel enthusiastic. Over time, it begins to feel like another weight that is heavy and difficult. It is impossible to sustain that level of enthusiasm over the long haul. It is not practical. Human nature is about recognizing the ebbs and flows of motivation.

Eating Regularly

Eating may seem like a weird tool for staying abstinent from compulsive overeating, but eating regularly is among the better things a person can do for health and recovery everyday. Skipping meals can trigger the body’s starvation response. Not being hungry can help beat an eating disorder, when done in a healthy way.

Finding Support

Having a team of people to provide support can make a huge difference. It may be a group of people, a friend, or a few accountability partners who keep you in line when you’re struggling. There will be challenges but these friends can help lift you up amidst life’s challenges.

Positive Choices

Before temptation comes, it helps to have tools in place for how to make positive choices. Making choices in advance on how to fulfill your needs when you feel empty rather than turning back to poor decisions about food can be helpful. Using psychological tools to ask yourself why you may be thinking a certain way and how to change your thinking can help you get out of a bad situation quickly.

Call the Serenity Oaks Wellness Center today at 844-720-6847 to learn more about how an individualized approach towards wellness and sobriety can help you manage and overcome your substance use and body image issues and live a healthy and drug-free life again.




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