Thursday, September 20, 2018

How Does Expressive Art Therapy Help with Addiction?

Expressive therapy is a form of therapy that uses creative arts as a tool for healing. It is also called ‘creative arts therapy.’ many different forms of creative arts can be used as a method of healing from trauma or emotional pain. It is an act of creating that produces healing for people who have experienced difficult circumstances and are looking for an outlet. Learn more about how people use it in recovery from addiction.

Therapy Through Art

There are many ways to attain creative expression through art. This form of communication can express emotions or experiences through drawing, art, painting, sculpting, or crafting. Part of the value of this work is to become completely immersed in the work of art-making. It can be healing to study works created by other artists and share the reactions and feelings they bring up.

Music Therapy

Music can stir emotions deep within people. It can help boost negative moods or release painful emotions long held. By listening to music, playing an instrument, singing or moving to music, it can express what people think or feel. When used in a group setting, for music, or listening, it can lead to greater connection with others.

Dance Therapy

Dance therapy offers many forms of dancing from improvised or choreographed dancing to other ways of physically expressing one’s feelings through dance. The mind-body connection can make this an effective form of treatment for eating disorders, addiction, or pain.

Expressive Therapy

Many other forms of expressive therapy exist. It can help process emotions, including journaling or writing poetry. Creating stories and developing characters can help emote things that have been stored in the memory for a very long time. Sometimes, in working with a therapist, drama therapy can be helpful or watching movies in a group and discussing them as a way to understand one’s situation.

The whole point is to gain greater self-awareness and heal from trauma, abuse, or illnesses. It can be helpful to talk it out, act it out, or create it out. By using creative processes and the imagination it can help draw out some useful insights helpful in battling trauma and addiction.

Serenity Oaks provides an intensive 5 week program to support your sobriety and recovery from addiction. We aim to provide a space where you can find out how and why you have struggled with addiction. Our therapeutic and medical support are just one of the tools we provide to help set you up for success in recovery. Call us to find out how we can help you get started: 844-720-6847.  




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